Sunday, July 21, 2013

Turning towards God

  1. Review Mark 12:41–44 and the institute student manual commentary for Mark 12:41–44, “What Was the Significance of the Widow’s Gift?” (p. 149). Write an explanation of how the widow lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28–30. Well the women loved the Lord with all her heart. She showed it through giving all a that she had, and was left with nothing. When we love the Lord we sacrifice all that we have, she showed it through sacrificing all her worldly things.
  2. Even though the widow gave less money than wealthier people gave, according to Mark 12:44, how much of what she had did she give? She gave ALL that she had. Write a paragraph describing what this teaches about what constitutes an acceptable offering to the Lord. How does 2 Nephi 25:23 apply to what the widow did? We know that God will save us through his grace only after we have done everything that we can do. In the case of the woman, she has literally done all that she can, she has offered all that she can, with her heart set towards God. The Lords does not care about how much you give or you don’t give, he cares about the intentions behind what you give, you can give one dollar but you were humble and you willingly have it to the Lord.
  3. Write two or three sentences describing a way, aside from the donation of money, that you could better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience.  I would say my time, especially when it comes to visiting teaching. I can show my love for him when I willingly visit teach and see it as an opportunity for growth and being a tool in his hands rather then something to check off on my to do list. Another thing that I can do is to be obedient in my prayers and my scripture reading, not just do a mediocre job, but actually be sincere and humble and offer my whole heart, time and mindset when I do take those minutes every day to dedicate to God. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Holy Ghost: The third member of the Godhead

Unit Two

Choice 2: John 14:15–17, 26–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–8, 13–14. The Savior’s Instructions about the Holy Ghost

  1. As you study the following verses, make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
    • John 14:15–17 he will tell us all truth/ we must keep his commandments
    • John 14:26–27 he will teach us, and bring things to our remembrance,/ we need to be trusting.
    • John 15:26–27 he is a comforter and he testifies of truth.
    • John 16:7–8 he will reprove the world of sin.
    • John 16:13–14 he will guide us to truth and he will help us receive revelation for things to come.
  2. Add to your list above as you study the following resources:
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “The Holy Ghost Brings Man to His Fullest Potential” (p. 168) It inspires, develops, cultivates and matures all the fine-toned sympathies, joys, tastes, kindred feelings and affections of our nature. It inspires virtue, kindness, goodness, tenderness, gentleness and charity. It develops beauty of person, form and features. It tends to health, vigor, animation and social feeling.
    • Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “As a Messenger of the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members” (p. 168) he instructs and enlights the minds of those who are obedient. He revels the mysteries of God to those who keep their covenants. He is also a messenger from above.
    • Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost” (p. 704) it testifies of Jesus Christ, it acts as a cleansing agent which purifies us from sin, he knows all tings and can lead us to know if future events.
  3. Review your list of what the Holy Ghost does. Then write responses to the following tasks:
    • Describe how the Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their missions after the Savior’s death and resurrection. There was a scripture that talked about how the holy ghost couldn’t dwell with the apostles till after Christ was gone. He helps them by bearing withness of the truthfulness of their words, even amist temptations and persecution. It was the means by which the father could communicate with them and it was through the Holy Ghost that they were able to share the message and touch the hearts of many Jews. 
    • Write a paragraph about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you in one of the ways you listed above. Give an example of how the Holy Ghost has inspired you. Well the first thing that comes to mind is teaching. I’ve been a teacher in Relief Society and I can testify that if we are worthy and if we ask for his guidance, he will help us, he will inspire us to say the things that Heavenly Father wants his daughters to hear. God uses us as his vessals through which to communicate his message and that message is made known to us through the spirit. In times of trials and hardship, the spirit has helped me keep going through the peace I feel when I pray for help. God lets me know of his love for me through the spirit. He comforts me and he helps me receive personal revelation. When it comes to decisions in my life and when I pray with a sincere heart, he helps me know and he inspires me to make the right decision.

What does the Holy Ghost do? He is known as the comforter, to comfort in times of need, if we want to know something he can manifest truth to us, he helps us remember things, he revels things to us. He is the interceptor between our relationship between God and Christ and us. He is available to all mankind if we get baptized. He is almost like a conscience. He is also a protector. She shared a story about when she was 14 she went to watch a movie at friends house and as soon as she walked in she knew something was wrong. As they were about to put a movie in she had this feeling and the words “look at the cover” came to her mind, she ignored it for a few minutes but she talked about how she felt it literally pushing her towards it so she did and it was a highly inappropriate movie, she called her mom and she left. This just shows how when you are living righteously The holy Ghost will protect you and he will warn you.  

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A disciple of Jesus Christ

Luke 10:38–42; 11:1–13; 12:13–40; 13:23–24; 14:16–33. Being a Disciple of Jesus Christ

  1. Read Luke 10:38–42; 11:1–13; 12:13–40; 13:23–24; 14:16–33 and the institute student manual commentary for Luke 11:5–13, “The Parable of the Friend at Midnight” (p. 115). Make a list of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and what the Savior taught about counting the costs of following Him.
      Part of following Christ comes with helping your neighbor or brother whenever they need help, being selfless, leaving the worldly riches for the riches of heaven, you must forsake all that you have. To my understanding counting cost means seeing whether or not you can finish what you started, whether or not, depending on how difficult the task will depend on if you finish it or not, so with sacrifices, depending on the sacrifice and if its hard or not, then would you way the cost and benefits.
  2. Identify one of the teachings from your list that you would like to apply more fully in your life. Write a paragraph about how you could apply that teaching and what difference you believe it would make in your life.
    One of the teachings that I would live to apply more fully would be helping my neighbor no matter what. I love the idea of giving service, when I think of making kits for the army or taking food over to a family in need, but then I think of the more time consuming service, I think of my mother who is an amazing lady. There is a blind lady in our ward who has a 4 year old, and her husband isn’t a member. While he is at work she is home all day alone with her daughter. She went blind due to the pregnancy and other complications so she remembers how her small apartment is set up and where everything is. My mom at least once a week will go to her apartment and just spend time with her, yesterday she took this sister out for lunch because it was her birthday and then took her to run some errands. My mom doesn’t stop to think twice, she doesn’t think of all the other million of things that she has to do with her calling and work. She doesn’t think of the things that she would love to do like the gym or scrapbook, she just gives freely. I too want to be able to have that free, selfless desire to give, I want to not hesitate or think twice if I have room in my schedule. I know that those who love the Lord love his people, the strive to be more like him and live after the manner that he lived. I too want to do this, I want to emulate his countenance in my life and in the manner after which I live.
  3. Read Luke 14:33; Omni 1:26; Mosiah 2:34; Matthew 13:44–46. Explain in writing what is ultimately required to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
    To be a disciple of Jesus Christ what is ultimately required is for us to dedicate our whole lives, to give up all our own selfish desires, not necessarily our dreams but to give up the natural man and to put our lives on the altar, to align our will with the Lord’s. we must give up the things of these world, the prestige, the fame, the money, the recognition, the luxurious, we must turn our hearts to God, turn our actions, our thoughts to perfecting ourselves and helping the one next to us, we must have a desire to edify his kingdom and help bring others to the gospel.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Faith in HIm, Jesus Christ

1.    Review Matthew 14:22–33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
They were troubled and they cried out in fear, fearing it was a spirit.
2.    What did Peter’s response indicate about him?
Peter wanted a sign, he was still doubtful.
3.    According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
Peter began to sink because he lost faith when the winds and seas came, he doubted the power Christ has.
4.    What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter’s request?
As soon as Peter began to sink, he cried ‘Lord save me.” Immediately, I had never noticed this word before, but I think this just shows the Lord’s mercy and infinite love for us. He could have waited and thought “well I’m going to teach peter a lesson for losing faith in me, I’m going to let him sink a little before I help him, that way he won’t doubt me.” Instead he immediately reach out his hand to save him. He does this with all of us, he loves us so much that even in our moment of weakness and in our imperfections he is still loving and kind and will do all that he can to help us.  
5.    Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?
Peter had his eye to the glory of God.  He trusted Christ with everything he had, he put all his focus and thoughts toward God, he let doubt and fear leave his body and focused on the light and truth that Christ is. I think in our moments of stormy seas and winds, I need to do just as Peter did, turn towards my Savior, but looking to him isn't enough, I need to do as peter did  and step off the boat and actively come towards him. I need to let go of the fear and doubt and trust in his mercy, in his light and truth, in his wisdom and in his love for me.

 Faith to move mountains

I know it, I love it, I love it.

Hi, My name is Diana Perez and I love to blog, I am a student at Brigham Young University- Idaho. I love it here! As you will notice I have other blogs available to the public on different topics, like the family, family relations and the link to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints website. Yes I am Mormon and I love it. The reason for this blog is to share with you the things I am learning in my New Testament Class, this semester we are studying the four gospels. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Please if you have any questions or comments please let me know! I would love to help!!